Tips for Losing Weight After Weight-Loss Surgery

Weight Loss Tips- New York, New York
Posted on 2021/05/24 by Laparoscopic Surgical Center of New York

Weight-loss surgery means significant lifestyle changes afterward. You should start losing weight immediately after, with a limited caloric intake, but only if you follow instructions exactly as prescribed by your doctor.

Liquid Calories and Fluid Intake


Since bariatric surgery will reduce how many calories you can consume, do not fall under the illusion that drinks are okay. Sugary, high-calorie drinks like sodas are nutritionally empty and can sabotage your weight loss. Every calorie must count, so only drink smoothies or high-protein drinks as recommended by your doctor.

Fluids also take up a considerable amount of room, so it is better to avoid drinking before, after, or during any meal. The space you have available to you is much smaller, and high nutrient foods must take up available space. Drinking too soon after can also result in you eating more than you should.


Avoid Low-Nutrient Foods


Sugar is a prime candidate for zero-nutrient foods that have a high caloric density. Not only does sugar impact blood sugar, but it can also cause inaccurate hunger pangs along with dumping syndrome. Check the ingredients on foods, and if you see sugar listed as one of the first few ingredients, it is better to avoid it.

Certain snacks also tend not to have much nutrition and are typically highly processed. Snacking is a habit that you need to drop if you like grazing and instead focus on quality nutrition at mealtimes. If you are hungry, have a nutritious meal instead of a snack.


Handling Weight Regained


Even after undergoing bariatric surgery, it is not uncommon to regain weight about a year after surgery. When this happens, to remain successful, you need to know what to do. One of the most significant factors in regaining weight is the loss of diligence.

In the beginning, patients are more likely to follow the rules, but over time, these same patients can tolerate more foods, eat more, and exercise less, leading to weight gain or plateaus. The easiest way to explain it revolves around eating habits – binge eating, eating when you are not hungry, emotional eating, or a preference for fast food all lead to weight gain even after weight-loss surgery.


Preventing Weight Gain After Surgery


Obesity can be a chronic condition, so use your team to lose weight and maintain weight loss. If you are gaining weight, do not be afraid to reach out and ask for help. Your team is there to help you figure out why it is happening. Support groups can also be helpful to relate to peers struggling just like you.

Accountability is essential too. Regular visits or check-ins with your team will help you maintain a steady weight loss. Remember, too, your reasons for choosing surgery and use that motivation to recommit to your goals.


Never put off your health because you are embarrassed to ask for help or to find answers. Contact the Laparoscopic Surgical Center of New York at (212) 879-6677 to book an appointment or visit our office in New York, NY, to schedule a consultation.

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